Monday, March 9, 2009

Common Sense Economics: Cramer vs. Obama

Has anyone gotten tired of turning on the news every night to see Barack Obama going on and on about how bad things are and how much worse they are going to get if we don't act now to support his latest big government power grab? Well Jim Cramer has.

Jim Cramer hosts CNBC's "Mad Money". He is a democrat. He used to give money to democrats, a lot of money. In fact, he still would if his media contract allowed.

But he is also well versed in economics, and in this challenging time, common sense dictates that this fact trumps political affiliation.

Cramer has said that President Obama’s agenda “is crushing nest eggs around the country.” “Obama has undeniably made things worse by creating an atmosphere of fear and panic rather than an atmosphere of calm and hope.”

These and other statements have gotten him on the Obama administration's "enemies list", a distinction he shares with Rush Limbaugh.

Now there is change we can all believe in.

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