Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Political Misinformation

I don't like to talk politics on facebook, I have too many very close friends on both sides of the aisle. This fact prevented me from replying to this video when a friend posted it because I like her, and I didn't want her to feel attacked, but I have a considerable problem with the video in this link.

This video comes to the dishonest determination that tea party-ers only ones who make ad hominem attacks on the their political opponents (in this case the democrats). It is as if they are simply automatons regurgitating talking points programmed by a puppet master (such as Sarah Palin). These type of "attacks" are always evident by the party that is out of power and is exactly the same thing we saw with the democrats for the 8 years Bush was in power (i.e. "Bush lied people died", Republicans hate the poor, etc.).

With the mainstream media you get 30 seconds or less to make your point or you are going to have to be heard on one of the cable stations who are "clearly biased" (where you are "preaching to the choir" so to speak). This system commands that talking points be used or you will never get your message to anyone. The talking points are the sizzle, not the steak. If you don't take the time to dig deeper and get some perspective, then talking points are the only thing your political opponent with ever be...

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