Wednesday, November 7, 2012

A Few Thoughts on the Election - Part 1

I must say first of all that I didn't watch any of the network coverage of the election last night, I tired for about 6 minutes, but got so overheated by all the blathering, that I had to shut off the T.V. before I blew chow or a blood vessel in my brain. As of this point I am still not aware of the extent of the election's "damage", I don't know how the electoral college looks or how the popular vote shook out, or even who won any state or local races. My only source of news has been the jubilant ramblings of my liberal Facebook friends, so I basically know that O.B.A.M.A. was reelected in a way that left no questions.

After the 2008 election my biggest emotion was confusion, how could the American people get so worked up over a guy who had literally done nothing to display any experience, leadership or even have an original idea? This guy had associations with people who vocally hated America and were convicted terrorists, but he was totally given a free pass! After really thinking this through I came to the only painful but honest conclusion; he was able to be who he was and still get elected, because of his race.

Martin Luther King Jr had a dream. And the American sheeple though they were fulfilling it with the election of O.B.A.M.A., but I think it is the opposite... America is still not the place where you are judged by the content of your character, but the color of your skin. However we think if we do it to benefit a minority group, now it is OK.

It begins with good the intentions that lead to "Affirmative Action". These programs in turn create destructive attributes such as an entitlement mentality and less motivation to achieve, because now certain people know that all they have to do to advance is beat the others with their skin color. This is the opposite of competition and its effects are too. Next there becomes an overall weakening of the population you were trying to help. With time, more and more "assistance" is given by the government (We The People) to make up for the continued discrepancies in performance created by this learned helplessness. Finally you have a population that is disturbingly reliant on the government for every day-to-day need, and they can't see a way out. They are stuck, held down, left behind.

How did this happen?

"But it isn't our fault, we are just trying to help, and we certainly aren't racist!" Ultimately in a fit of all out white guilt, you vote for Barak Obama. Because he is a person of color, he knows what it's like to be discriminated against, so he will fix this socioeconomic mess! (or at least you will feel better because your not racist if you voted for a African American.)

As sad as this is, I can accept that reality.

What I can't get is how four years of economic stagnation and explosive government growth still hasn't led the sheeple to see who is really behind the curtain! How does a proud and strong country re-elect someone who has thinly-veiled disdain for the very country he leads, and a track record of absolutely sucking as its leader??

I don't understand this and it shakes me to my foundation. It is not hyperbole to say that I woke up this morning wondering if this is how America will fall...It has happened to all "great" societies and it will eventually happen to us. I just hoped it would be in the very distant future, now I really doubt that...


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