Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Our Mission

As I have attempted to process the events of the last 36 or so hours, I have come to an important conclusion. This blog needs to establish a more clear focus if we ever expect to have any influence on the political discourse in this great nation.

We believe that the American people are very confused about how this election will really affect their personal lives. Most people either vote on a single issue or make their election decisions based upon their emotions about someone, but dropping cynicism and vitriol on them for Obama's re-election will accomplish nothing. Our focus needs to be on how we can make a serious change in the basic political knowledge level of the average American who has no interest in politics because they feel so overwhelmed by their day-to-day lives.

To support that effort, the following is an outline of our mission at Common Sense World.

Our Mission:
To affect a positive change in the American political landscape. We will do this through education and providing persuasive arguments for a return to traditional American values. We want to help provide clarity for people who are honest with their political discourse; to give them a place where their logical mind will be nourished as opposed to knee-jerk emotional thinking. We want to help the average American better understand the long term results of their political choices.

Things we support: (not inclusive)
American exceptionalism, individual liberty, personal responsibility, limited Government, respect for all people, and the acknowledgement that God's will be done.

We have this focus because lasting, positive change is not going to happen through slight-of-hand or fast talking, that is how we got President Obama. 

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